
Back 창원출장마사지 massage


What kind of techniques does the chair use for a back 창원출장마사지 massage? They are similar to those made by a human hand. Let me explain. I have explained how a massage chair works and that there are specific mechanisms in the backrest that are guided to work on your back.

It has massage arms that simulate the movements of human hands providing 창원출장마사지 massage techniques such as: kneading,  tapping, knocking, and rolling along your spine.  There is also the shiatsu technique,  which I will talk about later.

These are just a few of the core techniques and every 창원출장마사지 massage chair should have them. Can I adjust this massage technique to my individual needs? Yes, each massage chair should allow you to choose a range of working massage techniques.

The three main ones are as follows: The whole back – during the 김해출장마사지 massage,   the mechanism will move from the bottom to the top of your spine.  Partial massage – when you want to work on a specific part of your back.

For example, you can set it to lumbar and it will just focus on this area.  Point massage – For this, the mechanisms do not move up and down,   but the 창원출장마사지 massage movements relieve tension accurately in one place.

What about other adjustments? At this point it is important to explain that you can adjust the width of the massaging hands, allowing them to work close to the line of the spine or further apart.

Speed can also be regulated to imitate faster and slower movement and this is often mistaken for strength. This adjustment is only available in models which have a 3D mechanism. The pressure is regulated by the massaging hand moving closer to the body or hiding deeper in the backrest.

Is it possible to regulate the strength of a back massage in models without 3D? There is no specific control to do this, but you can change the position of the massage chair.  The flatter you lie on the chair, gravity pushes your body closer to the mechanism and therefore the massage will be stronger.

In a sitting position, the massage will feel softer and is best for beginners, as it allows muscles to become accustomed to the pressure. So with the single 창원출장마사지 massage technique,  you can choose any setting you like.

However, with the auto-program,  settings are already done for you. Does each massage chair have an auto-program? Yes, every massage chair has some automatic programs.  There are several predefined programs available,   you do not need to choose a technique, speed, or duration it is already done for you.

Depending on the program chosen, a massage can take between 7, 15, or even 30 minutes.  You just press the button and the anti-aging 출장마사지 massage chair will take control. How would I know which auto-program to choose? One way is to choose which part of the body you want to massage: the whole, upper, or lower body.

Another way is to choose what you want to achieve. For example, if you simply want to chill out press the Relax button; if you need a quick session to refresh yourself during the day use the Quick Restore program; If you choose the  Stretch program you can relieve stiff muscles.